Project Case Study

Bund Upgrade Constructability Review

We were able to identify a number of improvements to the project's constructability, with costs expected to be reduced in the order of 20%. Our report documented these findings, along with the associated recommendations on how to realise these cost savings."

Geoffrey Constable
Projects Director


Terminals and Storage

3 Months

TIC > $5M

Scope of Work

Process Consultants was engaged to perform an independent constructability and compliance review of the bund upgrade design for the existing BP Largs North terminal. The bunds walls and floor were to be upgraded while the tanks and pipes remained operational.   

The purpose of the review was to identify elements of the design and/or site conditions that may have contributed to the previously received higher than expected construction cost estimates and to look at cost saving options.    

What We Did

Process Consultants reviewed the extent of works in the design and looked at the constructability of the proposed works, the materials chosen and the other supporting documentation that was used as the basis for the project bids. The assessment identified design elements such as the excavations, the use of Geofabric Clay Liner (GCL) and the thickness of the concrete, to be both conservative and difficult to implement, particularly for a brownfield site that was covered with runs of piping. 

After due consideration, we concluded that many of the critical design elements such as the excavations and concrete slab and walls could be significantly reduced in size and still be compliant to Australian Standards.  We also made a number of recommendations in terms of products that could be substituted to save costs, such as the use of pre-fabricated concrete sections instead of in-situ concreting work, a concrete slab in lieu of buried GCL, and the use of fibre reinforced concrete under pipe runs instead of reinforced concrete.

Project Outcome

Our analysis of the original design documentation and drawings, along with a site visit, showed that there were opportunities to re-work the design and realise significant cost savings. Our report and supporting recommendations documented our findings that identified that the project budget could be reduced in the order of 20%, or $1M, resulting in an improved constructability and shorter installation time.