Project Case Study

Vapour Recovery Unit

"Process Consultants personnel are highly experienced in specifying and evaluating equipment, and integrating vendor supplied items into complex and challenging brownfield environments."

Geoffrey Constable
Projects Director

Engineering & Procurement

Fuel Terminal

6 Months

TIC $2.2M

Scope of Work

This project involved the installation of a new vapour recovery unit at BP's Newcastle fuel terminal.

What We Did

Process Consultants performed the mechanical, civil, structural, and fire safety design for a new vapour recovery unit to recover vapours from tanker filling operations, and return the captured hydrocarbon to bulk storage. Process Consultants also performed the technical bid evaluation, vendor data review and FAT for the vendor supply equipment package.

Project Outcome

Process Consultants successfully supported the integration of this complex package into the facility, within project schedule requirements. Engineering services were tailored to meet the specific project requirements, with non-essential deliverables eliminated from the scope. A key project objective was to limit the impact of on-site construction activities on the facility. This was accomplished by meticulous review of the brownfields tie-in locations, and maximisation of off-site works.